Wednesday, September 22, 2010

On style

Blogger A: So when two people write a blog there are bound to be style issues...

So maybe one has a bachelors degree in journalism(writing) and the other is more of the loading people into a van and driving them around type(took this one 4 tries to spell bachelors right). Who's to say which has the better style? They are just different.

The last post took forever. Maybe we shouldn't both write every post, that could save some time.

Blogger M (just to keep it anonymous): Co-blogging = pain in the neck, bickering, bad attitudes and overall bitchiness for at least two hours. Just because one of us has a baccalaureate and the other specializes in a different field, doesn't mean the person with the B.A. is any better at blogging than the other (the person with the B.A. doesn't even journal or report and tends to triple check spelling). We just have different styles, one hates the word "failed" and the other despises "bitchen." Uuughhhhh! Editing each other is good, but we need to just agree to disagree and manage to get things done without wanting to taze someone.

Blogger A (rebuttal): I am very happy that we do not have a tazer.
(She just vetoed my personal typing space and told me my sentence was invalid...)
This post is merely to vent our frustrations in blogging together before we get kicked out of Starbucks for yelling and pinching one another. In conclusion, My writing is bitchen.

Blogger M (rebuttal to rebuttal): And I was just about to say how I feel this session has been beneficial. But then all of a sudden....! Geeze. "Bitchen"?!?!?! OMG!!!!
ok. I feel better.
And for the record, I told him his sentence was invalid because it didn't have a point or purpose and I was over the subject of spelling.

On to the real post....Marisa's Michigan People!


Ala said...

Best blog post ever! I love you guys!

ursistafromanothamotha said...

U guys r tooo much. I love it ;) that one night after biology....who would have thought? The many things thay make u go hmmm?

D said...

This may relate...

I once seen a concert where a two guitar players, one with a college degree in performance and the other was self taught and grew up playing bars not auditoriums, performed side by side. Both were excellent musicians but the self taught musician played with much more emotion and character.

In closing, education kills imagination.