Thursday, December 30, 2010

Vagabond travel log

We were particularly uninspired this month so we put off writing about the keys on multiple occasions, then we put off writing about the stuff after the Keys now we're trying to put it off again. It's really something down there though. While it's been cold everywhere else we got sun burnt on Bahai Honda State Beach, got kicked out of a Kmart parking lot in Key West, ate a cheeseburger (in paradise) and had a couple beers at a tiki bar overlooking the the gulf.

Leaving the Key's we went back to Miami where our friend hooked us up with her super sweet aunt Janet who put us up over Christmas and fed us very well. We thought we had gained a little weight but people must think we are starving on the road because they really lay it on with the food. Thank God, because we love food!

We are now in a half-ass hurry to get to Louisiana where we hope to work for a couple weeks on a farm. Hope being the key word, we do not have confirmation at this point...

This almost brings us up to now. While we were having breakfast at a park yesterday before heading out on a bike ride we met this nice old guy that gave us some Redfish he had just caught, he even filleted them for us! We made plans to meet him after our ride and when we got back we were ready to eat so we headed over to his campsite (under a bridge) and we all had some fish, rice, beer and bourbon for dinner. It was a nice vagabond family dinner we had under that bridge.

Today we woke up and had eggs and hash browns at the beach and headed here to blow a few hours surfing the net and catching up on postcards.

We've spent nearly a month in Florida and it's been like driving through the zoo most of the time. We've seen so much wildlife; manatee's, crocodiles (even a baby one), alligators, blue crabs, crabs that look like ticks, fish, armadillo's, big foot, dolphins, roseate spoonbills (also known as a giant pink bird) and even a bald eagle. Our next set destination is New Orleans on January 21. Everything between now and then is up in the air. We're not looking forward to the cold and snow in other states, but are excited to be getting closer to home and to seeing our families and little Frankie dog.

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